Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast




367 Preventing Burnout: Strategies for Leaders and Organisations with Mark Butler


In this episode, we sit down with mental health expert Mark Butler to explore critical issues impacting workplaces today. Mark delves into:

  • Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace: Understanding common issues and their impacts.

  • Trauma-Informed Leadership: Why it's crucial for modern leaders.

  • Recent Legislative Changes in Australia: What you need to know.

  • Strategies to Prevent Burnout: Tips to promote mental well-being.

  • Emotional Intelligence and Self-Care: Creating supportive environments.

  • Reducing Mental Health Stigma: Empowering employees to take charge of their well-being.

Tune in for an enlightening discussion on creating healthier, more supportive workplaces.

Your leadership strategy must include mental health

Why you should listen: legislation and culture are coming for you!

  • Understand causes and responsibilities of burnout

We explore Trauma-informed leadership

  • The significance of emotional intelligence, self-care, and creating supportive work environments. 

  • The need for organisations to reduce the stigma around mental health and empower employees to take charge of their well-being

  • Moral injury and how it affects people at work 

Take action

  • Identify psycho-social hazards in the workplace 

  • Remember not all trauma is negative: we can have post-traumatic growth 

Tip of the week 

  • From my fourth book, People Stuff, we need to learn to feel things fully, and that begins with deep physical awareness.Mindfulness and meditation help with that. 


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About Mark Butler

Mark is a mental health expert and strategist.  He works with high-performing teams and leaders under high pressure, and in fast-moving environments to help create sustainable peak performance.

He also works with organisations to be proactive in preventing mental health and burnout issues that hinder teams and individuals from delivering their best.  He shifts the mindset from being the ‘ambulance at the bottom of the cliff’ to being the ‘fence at the top of the cliff’.

Recognising Safety, Trust and Belonging as the cornerstones of effective teamwork, Mark hacks his clinical mental health experience to deliver the most robust evidence-based solutions for Better Teams, Better Leaders and Better People.

He is the author of Up Yours: The Pursuit of radical Self-Care.

Find out more: https://www.markbutler.com.au/

Key moments

00:00 Introduction to the Zoe Routh Leadership Podcast

00:29 Exciting Developments in Space Exploration

01:10 Impact of Space Tourism on Business

02:58 Personal Reflections and Upcoming Program

05:18 Introducing Today's Guest: Mark Butler

06:46 Mental Health Responsibilities in the Workplace

15:40 Understanding Burnout: Causes and Responsibilities

24:05 Emotional Intelligence and Burnout Prevention

27:59 Trauma-Informed Leadership

30:59 Workplace Responsibility for Mental Health

32:15 Understanding Burnout and Other Workplace Stressors

35:33 Exploring Moral Injury

38:14 The Fast Five Questions

45:09 The Look In, Look Up, Look Out Model

47:09 The Importance of Boundaries

54:27 Developing Emotional Competence in Leadership

56:55 Conclusion and Upcoming Episodes

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About your host, Canberra leadership expert Zoë Routh:


Zoë Routh is a leadership futurist, podcaster, and multiple award-winning author. She works with leaders and teams to navigate future horizons. 

She has worked with individuals and teams internationally and in Australia since 1987. From wild Canadian rivers to the Australian Outback, and the Boardroom jungles, Zoë is an adventurist! She facilitates strategy and culture sessions with audacious teams.

Zoë's fourth leadership book, People Stuff - Beyond Personality Problems: An advanced handbook for leadership, won the Book of the Year at the Australian Business Book Awards in 2020. Her fifth book is a near future science fiction dystopian novel, The Olympus Project.

Zoë is the producer of the Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast, dedicated to asking “What if…?”  and sharing Big Ideas on the Future of Leadership.

Zoë is an outdoor adventurist and enjoys telemark skiing, has run six marathons, is a one-time belly-dancer, has survived cancer, and loves hiking in the high country. She is married to a gorgeous Aussie and is a self-confessed dark chocolate addict.