Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast




226 Leadership principles for second chance hiring with Jeff Korzenik

In his role as Chief Investment Strategist for a leading US bank, Jeff Korzenik is used to finding solutions to complex challenges but none are more complex than his work in creating opportunities for the re-employment of people with criminal records. Jeff believes second chance hiring is good for society and good for business. His leadership approach to helping organisations open hearts and minds is firmly rooted in reality and the systems and processes that support success.

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222 Do you want better results faster? Try vertical leadership development

Leadership development is often spoken about as a skill acquisition. This is horizontal development. Vertical development is when we see and value more of the bigger ​​picture and can navigate complexity. It’s hard and essential work. Here’s an overview.

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201 Leadership skills and corporate culture with Averil Foster

Ever wonder if you’ve got the right leadership skills and leadership mindset to create a great corporate culture? Family lawyer and mum of young kids Averil Foster joined her colleague, Brooke Johnson, to become business owners of an existing firm. In this interview, she reveals how she dealt with office politics, how she harnessed and developed leadership strengths, and how she’s created a culture worth belonging to.

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200 A great leadership mindset begins with meaning and purpose

What happens when you blend timeless leadership mindset philosophies of Auschwitz survivor Victor Frankl with the new neuroscience research of purpose and passion with Steven Kotler? You get a turbo charged recipe for energy that will sustain your leadership journey for the long term. Read on to learn the specifics of stacking meaning and neuroscience.

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Canberra based leadership expert Zoë Routh on feedback

Do you do annual anonymous culture reviews? Do you subject people to anonymous 360s? Should you do any of this? Here’s the better approach than letting people hide behind surveys (and also when they might be good).

Why you should listen:

  • What needing anonymous surveys says about your culture

  • 4 things you should look at instead

  • Two situations when you SHOULD use anonymous feedback


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138 Corporate culture is a leadership responsibility with Colin Ellis

I met Colin Ellis a few years ago when he first arrived in Australia from Liverpool. He makes dapper cool again with his sensational dress sense and million dollar smile. He loves the people stuff as much as I do, and in this podcast episode we geek out on all things culture.

Why you should listen:

  • Why culture change IS NOT HARD (like consultants say it is) and takes 9-18 months (not 3-5 years)

  • How to (and how not to) measure culture

  • Where to start in dealing with toxic cultures


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135 Craig Dower puts his leadership effectiveness down to focussing on people first

I met Craig Dower through LinkedIn when he commented on one of my articles about culture. I was intrigued by his global accolades as CEO: President of Avanade Asia Pacific out of Singapore, CEO Salmat, CEO Xenith Ip, and now CEO of Qantm IP. It’s not the titles but the work he did: growing the business three-fold at Avanade, leading the largest transformation program in the company’s 40-year history at Salmat, and leading through a period of substantial change and steady earnings growth at Xenith IP. His secret? Focus on People First.

Why you should listen:

  • Why you need to reward values and behaviour as well as outcomes

  • How to transformational change fast, at  scale: Get the people right, then identify three priorities: Focus, Simplify, Grow

  • As the CEO you need to be the chief change sponsor and chief storyteller

  • The hardest part about building high performing teams is getting the people right: a fit for behaviour and values, performance can be coached, but performance without values and behaviour is toxic


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130 Do leadership responsibilities extend to making the world better? With Tim Collings

Leadership expert Tim Collings joins me in sharing insights on his leadership path, and core tips for leadership that makes a lasting difference, and transformative leadership.

Why you should listen:

  • How to find your leadership calling that will sustain you through tough times

  • Steal Tim’s insights on how to lead mixed Gen X and Gen Y teams

  • What to implement to be a transformative leader: imagine, ignite, immerse, and inspire.


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128 Why inclusion is no longer an optional leadership responsibility with Oshoke Pamela Abalu

Co-Founder of Love and Magic Company, Oshoke Pamela Abalu is a leading light for grace and privilege in work. She advocates for a change of language to focus on SYMPHONY, and not diversity. This interview was incredibly moving. Oshoke speaks to our higher nature, calls us all forward to our true human nature where we see, honour, and include each other. This was a TRANSFORMATIONAL interview for me personally, and I’m honoured to share it with you.

Why you should listen:

  • Be inspired by the grace and wisdom from a leader who embodies love in all of who she is and what she does

  • Learn simple steps to take to ensure you business success with a symphony approach

  • Learn key distinctions for diversity, belonging, and the role we can play in making bigger contributions


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114 Inclusion is a key leadership responsibility with Yenn Purkis

Yenn Purkis is a non-binary gender person with Asperger’s syndrome. They are an author of 6 books, a TED X speaker, and a passionate advocate for autistic people and their families. From an early age, Yenn knew they weren’t like other folks, and was bullied mercilessly for being different. Academically brilliant, they were dux of the school, but not fitting in and being ostracised for it led to several early adulthood years spent in self destruction. Yenn emerged from this determined to be successful and fulfil professional ambition. With a published book in hand, they applied to many jobs and was successful to land one. This is the origin story of a remarkable individual who overcame being singled out for difference to becoming a public champion for inclusion.

In this interview we explore what it means to be non binary gender, how to be aware of privilege as a generator of bias, how reading books is an excellent way to expand perspective and understanding of others, how becoming comfortable and aware of who we are drops anxiety about status, why diversity is a noun and inclusion is the verb or responsibility in leadership, how the intersection of elements of difference (like being non binary gender AND autistic) multiplies the challenge effect for inclusion, and how it is PRIVILEGE and not ‘norm’ that measures distance from center and influence. Reason to listen: learn about life from a different lens.


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100 Canberra based leadership expert Zoë Routh on new year resets

Subscribe to the podcast here. Listen on iTunes here. Listen on Spotify here. How are you starting 2019? Have you got a theme word? What boundaries, rituals, habits are you using to shape an extraordinary year? Have you got goals? Or are you using intentions?

Subscribe to the podcast here.

Listen on iTunes here.

Listen on Spotify here.

New year, new leadership mindset?

How are you starting 2019? Have you got a theme word? What boundaries, rituals, habits are you using to shape an extraordinary year? Have you got goals? Or are you using intentions? In this episode, I share the nitty gritty strategies, habits, rituals, and resources I am using to RESET my energy and focus. The theme this quarter on the podcast is ‘Personal Excellence’ and this is the perfect start to that.

Why you should listen: your leadership responsibilities start with self-care

  • How cultivating energy and focus is a leadership strength

  • Why a theme word is useful for shaping your year

  • Six nitty gritty tactics to build personal excellence for the year

  • A special give away as this is episode 100!




Six Focus areas for an extraordinary year of personal excellence:

1. Boundaries: put time containers around your addictions (like work, or  exercise, or social media)

2. Routines or Rituals: start of day and end of day rituals are the most important.

My morning routine 5am to 830am

  • Wake up - glass of water with lemon juice and pinch of sea salt (for minerals, digestion, and hydration)

  • Cup of green tea

  • Meditation: 20 minutes while tracking heart rate and heart rate variability

  • Journal:

  • How did I show kindness yesterday?

  • What was the one moment I want to remember from today? (one moment per day)

  • Decision journal: what questions or challenges do I have? What decision am I making? What led me to that decision?

  • Run or workout

  • Cold shower, dress

  • Start day with top 3 priorities

3. Nutrition

4. Sleep

My evening routine - in beta! 830-900pm

  • Ipad charging in separate room

  • Cold shower and moisturiser

  • Apply essential oils to bottom of feet

  • Meditation - 10 minutes

  • Track sleep quality and quantity with the Oura ring

5. Team support

  • Butt kicker - hiring my leadership trainer

  • Promoter - inviting a new board of advisors

  • Teacher - who can I learn from this year? Undecided

  • Pit crew - nutritionist and massage therapist

6. Physical environment

Declutter and tidy up as per the Marie Kondo protocol

Redesign physical  surroundings as per Ingrid Fetel Lee

References and books mentioned (add with the hyperlinks)

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Habits Journal

The Decision Checklist by Sam Kyle

It’s Who you Know by Janine Garner

The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss

The Biohacker’s Handbook by Teemu Arina, medical doctor Olli Sovijärvi and nutritional expert Jaakko Halmetoja

The Life Changing Habit of Tidying Up - Marie Kondo

Joyful - Ingrid Fêtell Lee

Oura Ring


Related episodes on leadership mindset:

E98 - Manager to leader - a shortcut with these great questions

E96 - RETHINK FAILURE: it's not just feedback

E95 - Atomic Habits by James Clear - A book review


About your host,  Canberra leadership expert Zoë Routh:

Canberra based leadership expert Zoë Routh shares why your leadership responsibilities start with self-care

Canberra based leadership expert Zoë Routh shares why your leadership responsibilities start with self-care

Zoë Routh is one of Australia’s leading experts on people stuff - the stuff that gets in our way of producing results, and the stuff that lights us up. She works with the growers, makers, builders to make people stuff fun and practical.

Zoë is the author of four books: Composure - How centered leaders make the biggest impact,  Moments - Leadership when it matters most, Loyalty - Stop unwanted staff turnover, boost engagement, and build lifelong advocates, and People Stuff - Beyond Personalities: An advanced handbook for leadership. People Stuff was awarded Book of the Year 2020 by the Smart WFM Australian Business Book Awards.

Zoë is also the producer of The Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast.


87 Leadership expert Zoe Routh talks transformation strategies with Jason Irving

I first met Jason when I was working at Outward Bound and Jason was training as a massage therapist. His practice as a therapist, healer, and advisor evolved over the years. He helped me t through my cancer treatment, through a difficult career transition, and over the last couple of years has been instrumental in helping me stay grounded and energised as my business exploded in growth.

In this interview, we dive straight into his techniques as a practitioner, and use me as guinea pig. I share a personal challenge and we flesh out how to process it, come to terms with it, and transform it for a growth opportunity.

We discuss:

  • What sacred geometry shape to use when dealing with a ‘block’ or problem

  • How to make peace with your feelings

  • The alternative to affirmations that creates long-term sustainable change.


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69 Productivity and leadership responsibilities with Peter Cook

Many leaders work with me on their productivity. It’s a fundamental for leading Self and essential to master if we are going to expand our impact. Getting stuff done, the RIGHT stuff is every leader’s challenge.

This interview offers these highlights:

  • What people get wrong with productivity

  • Why projects are fundamental to business success and great workplace cultures

  • How the modern resume will list projects not just workplaces as indicators of professional nous and contribution

  • How to use projects to build habits

  • The inner game of productivity

  • How to build projects in to your personal life

  • What an Ishaya monk’s vows can do for productivity and quality of life


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46 The importance of listening as a leadership skill with Oscar Trimboli

Oscar shares:

  • The 5 levels of listening and how to start

  • Why the 125-400 rule keeps us from being good listeners

  • The patterns to pay attention to in conversations that will help give you big insights

  • How to model process leadership not just content leadership

  • On being a systemic listener (this is hard - but we can all do it)

  • The ancient art of Ting, and what we can bring to modern communication that uplifts listener and speaker


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21 Creating corporate cultures that show up for their communities with ACTOSS' Susan Helyar

Susan Helyar is the Director of ACT Council of Social Service Inc (ACTCOSS), and a Table Host for the the upcoming Edge of Leadership UnConference, March 28 here in Canberra.

In this interview we dive into:

  • Why community advocacy is critical in maintaining the compassionate heart of the community

  • The hidden story in the strong average cost of living in an affluent community like Canberra, and how many are stuck in a cycle of poverty that goes unseen

  • When you are asked, 'does this bother you', what are you prepared to do to make a difference in complex social challenges? A little goes a long way.


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20 Leadership expert Zoë Routh talks to local leader Juliette Ford

Contribution is a responsibility and a calling. It's part of the fabric of what makes up their business platform and approach. It's an integrated view of life, work, and making a difference.

We cover:

  • How environments support the values and culture of an organisation - including a swing!

  • Business has a two-way role in the community

  • The value of different in roles in collaborative leadership

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