Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast




223 Author and entrepreneur Paul Hargreaves’ leadership principles for purpose before profit

Malaria-induced bed rest gave Paul Hargreaves, author of The Fourth Bottom Line, food industry entrepreneur and B Corp advocate, a chance to really think about his purpose and impact on the world. Now he wants other businesses to do the same, through compassionate leadership that doesn’t sacrifice people or the planet in the name of profit.

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199 Leadership skills and energy with author Ginny Whitelaw

What leadership skills do you get when you cross a NASA scientist with a Zen Master? Amazing, novel strategies for better leadership effectiveness. Ginny Whitelaw is a remarkable human being with fabulous insights from her latest book, Resonate: Zen and the Way of Making a Difference. Enjoy!

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147 In leadership people skills are so important with Erik Johnson

Do you have fear of public speaking? How about a fear of failure? Do you lead a team of diverse personalities, and some big ones that are more like divas? Radio Host extraordinaire Erik Johnson shares his leadership nuggets in a career that celebrates the people stuff.

Why you should listen:

  • Learn how to deal with a diva

  • Discover how to wrestle well with the fear of failure

  • Learn how to avoid the classic Achiever trap that can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction


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125 How to avoid the intelligence trap in leadership with David Robson

Science journalist David Robson, author of the brilliant The Intelligence Trap - Why smart people make dumb mistakes, takes us on a wild ride through the stupid things smart people do, and why.

We explore:

  • Why real life human vampires are more deserving of compassion than scorn

  • How the ancient study of wisdom (and how to live our best life) is having a resurgence and renewal through the lens of Evidence Based Wisdom

  • How intellectual intelligence is different to rationality intelligence, and how this can be measured

  • The frightening condition of DYSRATIONALIA - when smart people think and do dumb things

  • How mindfulness is a step towards diminishing this trap

  • Why we need to get analytical about intuition

  • The importance of developing an emotional compass - this includes emotional awareness, differentiation, and regulation of emotions

  • How Brexit is the perfect example of motivated reasoning by smart people that drives greater polarisation

  • Benjamin Franklin’s moral algebra and its ability to immunise a little bit against motivated reasoning

  • How finding common ground and assessing the quality of the evidence in someone’s argument is the best method to avoid being polarising

  • If you are susceptible to “Pseudo-Profound Bullshit” (statements that sound profound but are really vacuous), you might need to take the cognitive reflection test

  • Emotional intelligence can be a bridge between intelligence and avoiding some major biases

  • Key tips to help avoiding the intelligence traps: curiosity, humility, considering the opposite viewpoint through the lens of evidence

  • Maintain a child-like curiosity, wonder and awe at the world.


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107 Canberra based leadership expert Zoë Routh on expanding perspective

WARNING: This solocast is a bit of a rant. A call to action. To do more. To do better. To have a bigger impact. There’s a lot going on. There’s more work to do than ever before. There are more problems to solve. We need to work BETTER. We also need to avoid the traps of Achiever: achiever disease and overwork, goal sickness and sacrificing our values at the altar of results.

  • Signs and symptoms of Achiever Disease

  • As an Amplifier we can amplify message, motivation, and results

  • How perspective is the key to empathy, and how empathy expands perspective



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74 Leadership expert Zoe Routh on beliefs that will help form your leadership focus

Want to play a bigger game? How about being part of a community of game changers? Of folks who want to create great cultures? Of leaders who want to make a big difference and contribution? Here are some insights of what you need to believe in order to make a bigger impact.

  • What a transexual person’s story can mean for the future of humanity

  • The four beliefs you need to know in order to craft your leadership focus

  • Why stories matter


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43 Leadership expert Zoë Routh on how to build empathy and influence into your leadership skillset

Have you got a boss who gets in your way? Are they a blocker? A micro-manager? Do they dump work on you? Do they ignore you?

When it comes to Boundless Leadership and leading beyond borders, some people can definitely get in our way.

We look at the three key skills to manage up, as well as how to run an empathy map for yourself and your ‘blocker’. These are practical ways to build empathy and influence.


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