Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast




362 Paul Glover’s Incredible Journey from Incarceration to Leadership Legacy


This is a profound conversation with Paul Glover, an ex-lawyer and leadership legacy coach, who shares his remarkable journey from incarceration, after being indicted by a federal grand jury on 33 counts of corruption, to redemption. Paul’s time in prison was a period of intense self-reflection and transformation, driven by a commitment to his family and a desire to become a better person.  Emerging from the addictive “dark and grubby and greedy and vile” underworld Paul was confronted with dismantling his own ego in the pursuit of forgiveness. 

We delve into the importance of ethics, the power of humility and simple gratitude, and the role of support systems in personal growth. Paul’s candid leadership insights emphasise the need for self-reflection, accountability, and ethical decision-making frameworks and offers invaluable lessons for us all.

Humility, curiosity, and compassion are antidotes to leadership hubris

Why you should listen: Post-pandemic leadership landscape shifts 

  • Holistic team development for a balanced approach to work

We explore The Fool's Wisdom: the importance of truth-telling in leadership.

  • How environment and support systems influence leadership

  • Breaking out of the leadership echo chamber

  • Losing leadership delusions through meaningful self-reflection

Take action

  • Be aware of how impactful environment and support can be - both positive and negative - and how difficult it is sometimes to break free from the known environment

  • Consider the relationship between power and humility. The antidote to power and hubris is humility, curiosity and compassion.

Tip of the week 

  •  From my book Moments: Leadership When It Matters Most  I share a practical framework to guide ethical choices: meaning, magnitude, and measure. It's a tool to help you consider the impact of your decisions on yourself, others, and the broader community.


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About Paul Glover

A Federal Trial Lawyer for 25 years, Paul Glover parlayed his experiences and skills in the courtroom into becoming a Master Story Teller and now goes by the moniker The No B.S. Leadership Legacy Coach. Paul is the author of WorkQuake™: Making the Seismic Shift to a Knowledge Economy, a sought-after conference speaker and performance coach. Find out more: https://paulgloverspeaks.com/

Key moments

Planet Human: A quick look at the fascinating concept of digital twins and AI technology as Reid Hoffman interviews ‘himself’! This is a theme that resonates deeply with my novels - imagine the possibilities and challenges as we interact with digital replicas of ourselves!

Planet Zoë: I'm bursting with excitement to share that my upcoming novel, Olympus Rising is nearing completion. If you're seeking a gripping tale that intertwines with leadership and the future, keep your eyes peeled for its release. In the meantime catch up with The Olympus Project, Olympus Bound and grab the prequel novella Terra Blanca for free. 

Paul Glover's journey and challenges (00:05:01)

Paul discusses his journey from being a trial attorney to getting involved in criminal activities and the impact on his life.

Life in prison and aftermath (00:07:20)

Paul shares the devastating impact of his imprisonment on his family and the emotional turmoil he faced.

Self-reflection and transformation (00:09:16)

Commitment to change, self-reflection, and the support Paul received from his wife during his transformation.

Taming the ego and ethics (00:13:34)

The role of ego in unethical behaviour and the importance of self-reflection.

Insights on ethics and the law (00:16:09)

Paul shares his perspective on ethics and the law, emphasising the importance of making black and white ethical decisions.

Breaking free of ego and echo chamber (00:21:53)

Zoe and Paul discuss breaking down the ego conversation justifying poor behaviour and breaking free from the echo chamber.

Self-Reflection and Responsibility (00:22:29)

Paul discusses the importance of creating one's self-image and the necessity of self-reflection for personal growth and transformation.

Support and Environment (00:25:00)

The impact of a supportive environment on individuals post-incarceration and the difficult choice of seeking and accepting support.

Continuous Atonement and Gratitude (00:27:04)

Paul emphasises the ongoing commitment to atonement and the practice of daily gratitude as part of his personal growth and transformation.

Challenges in Reintegration (00:29:20)

The challenges of finding employment post-release and the subsequent transition to coaching within distribution and manufacturing.

Corporate Culture and Leadership (00:33:21)

Insights on the shift in corporate culture post-pandemic and the need for a human-centric approach to leadership and team sustainability.

Power and Toxic Leadership (00:36:01)

Reflections on the destructive nature of power, the importance of humility in leaders, and the pressures that lead to toxic behaviour.

Future Technology and Leadership (00:38:26)

Paul's fascination with artificial intelligence and the anticipated shift in leadership roles from managerial to coaching and mentoring.

The impact of environment and support (00:45:05)

Discussion on the influence of environment and support on individuals' ability to break free from negative consequences and the need for new environments and support systems.

The relationship between power and humility (00:45:05)

Exploration of the relationship between power and humility, and the importance of humility, curiosity, and compassion in leadership.

The role of the fool in leadership (00:46:21)

The significance of having someone who can provide honest feedback and speak truth to power in leadership, drawing from the mediaeval concept of the fool.

Ethical decision-making framework (00:46:21)

Explanation of the "meaning, magnitude, and measure" framework for making ethical decisions, with a focus on consequences, universal principles, and values.

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About your host, Canberra leadership expert Zoë Routh:

Zoë Routh is a leadership futurist, podcaster, and multiple award-winning author. She works with leaders and teams to navigate future horizons. 

She has worked with individuals and teams internationally and in Australia since 1987. From wild Canadian rivers to the Australian Outback, and the Boardroom jungles, Zoë is an adventurist! She facilitates strategy and culture sessions with audacious teams.

Zoë's fourth leadership book, People Stuff - Beyond Personality Problems: An advanced handbook for leadership, won the Book of the Year at the Australian Business Book Awards in 2020. Her fifth book is a near future science fiction dystopian novel, The Olympus Project.

Zoë is the producer of the Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast, dedicated to asking “What if…?”  and sharing Big Ideas on the Future of Leadership.

Zoë is an outdoor adventurist and enjoys telemark skiing, has run six marathons, is a one-time belly-dancer, has survived cancer, and loves hiking in the high country. She is married to a gorgeous Aussie and is a self-confessed dark chocolate addict.