Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast




358 7 leadership tips for self-organising groups


I’m just back from a two-week epic hike along the Australian Alpine Walking Track and reflecting on the fact that the heart of any expedition is its people. Drawing on these recent experiences for this solo episode, I explore the importance of nurturing relationships, understanding individual drives, and creating a supportive environment that empowers your team. We had some tough times on the trek; challenging terrain and brutal weather. But we also had lots of joy; laughter, dancing and gratitude in the bush! And much like life and leadership, when things get too much we simply focus on putting one foot in front of the other. 

Leadership is an art and a science

Why you should listen: Leadership Insights from the Trail

  • Leadership decisions, planning and playing

We explore leadership principles for embarking on an adventure

  • What’s your leadership ‘why’? That’s your north star

  • Agility is key - park your leadership ego and roll with the changes

  • Fun in leadership - it’s the journey, not the destination


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Key moments

Planet Human: A biotech breakthrough that has the potential to transform lives with the ability to grow a ‘mini liver’ in lymph nodes, rather than relying on a transplant. 

Planet Zoë: 200km in two weeks - Zoë reflects on an amazing experience in the Australian bush.

**Challenges and experiences during the trek (00:02:39)**

Zoë shares the physical and emotional challenges faced during the bushwhack, including navigating off-track and encountering feral animals.

**Leadership dynamics in the bush (00:04:52)**

Zoë explores the leadership dynamics and decision-making processes involved in the intense bushwhack experience.

**Factors contributing to successful teamwork (00:13:11)**

Zoë discusses the factors that contributed to the successful teamwork during the trek, including shared responsibilities and collective decision-making.

**Lessons for applying to the workplace (00:15:11)**

Zoë draws parallels between the bush walking experience and workplace projects, highlighting the importance of a meaningful "why" and an energiser for the team.

**Key points for project success (00:16:18)**

Zoë emphasises the importance of relationships, setting parameters, and adapting as you go for project success.

**Adapt as you go (00:20:25)**

Importance of flexibility and adaptability in facing unexpected challenges during the adventure.

**Practice appreciation and gratitude (00:21:32)**

The significance of acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the experiences, company, and moments during the journey.

**Have fun along the way (00:22:35)**

Emphasising the necessity of incorporating enjoyment and fun into the leadership journey, even during challenging times.


👉🏼 Want to share your experience? Ask a question? Share a resource? Jump on our podcast Facebook page here.

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About your host, Canberra leadership expert Zoë Routh:

Zoë Routh is a leadership futurist, podcaster, and multiple award-winning author. She works with leaders and teams to navigate future horizons. 

She has worked with individuals and teams internationally and in Australia since 1987. From wild Canadian rivers to the Australian Outback, and the Boardroom jungles, Zoë is an adventurist! She facilitates strategy and culture sessions with audacious teams.

Zoë's fourth leadership book, People Stuff - Beyond Personality Problems: An advanced handbook for leadership, won the Book of the Year at the Australian Business Book Awards in 2020. Her fifth book is a near future science fiction dystopian novel, The Olympus Project.

Zoë is the producer of the Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast, dedicated to asking “What if…?”  and sharing Big Ideas on the Future of Leadership.

Zoë is an outdoor adventurist and enjoys telemark skiing, has run six marathons, is a one-time belly-dancer, has survived cancer, and loves hiking in the high country. She is married to a gorgeous Aussie and is a self-confessed dark chocolate addict.