Kate Billing’s intense personal work informed her deeply human approach to helping others on their leadership journeys. From the simple magic of bringing people together to bravely going to the edge of the unknown, Kate believes an environment where leaders can be deeply connected humans is also where they can become the next, better version of themselves.
Read MoreZoë Routh Leadership Podcast
209 Leadership Development - The Gen Y Perspective with Jordan Kibukamusoke
The next generation of leaders are already making waves in the workplace. Canberra young professional Jordan Kibukamusoke offers a fresh perspective on leadership development.
Read More208 Leadership skills and creativity with Mark Simmonds
Creativity is a crucial leadership skill in changing times. Innovation expert and author Mark Simmonds shares simple behaviours to boost creativity and support mental health.
Read More206 Corporate culture secrets with author Rebecca Friese
We can build good corporate cultures, or we can at least have cultures that ‘don’t suck’, as author Rebecca Friese asserts. Learn the critical elements of good corporate culture.
Read More205 Leadership books on power
Power is a juicy leadership skill. We need to learn how to use it wisely, and most of us are not taught how to do so. Luckily there are some great new leadership books to help.
Read More204 Leadership skills across countries and cultures with Melanie Brock
What leadership frameworks can help us when we lead across different countries and cultures? Seasoned leader Melanie Brock shares her leadership insights from businesses in Japan and Australia.
Read More203 Leadership frameworks for culture and strategy
If we had to boil leadership responsibilities down to its essence, we’d settle on culture and strategy. Sadly many get it wrong. Get it right with these solid leadership frameworks.
Read More202 Storytelling for leadership effectiveness with author Gabrielle Dolan
One of the most underrated leadership skills is storytelling. If you’re building a brand - what people say about you when you’re not in the room - storytelling is the best way to be memorable. Best selling author Gabrielle Dolan shows us how.
Read More201 Leadership skills and corporate culture with Averil Foster
Ever wonder if you’ve got the right leadership skills and leadership mindset to create a great corporate culture? Family lawyer and mum of young kids Averil Foster joined her colleague, Brooke Johnson, to become business owners of an existing firm. In this interview, she reveals how she dealt with office politics, how she harnessed and developed leadership strengths, and how she’s created a culture worth belonging to.
Read More200 A great leadership mindset begins with meaning and purpose
What happens when you blend timeless leadership mindset philosophies of Auschwitz survivor Victor Frankl with the new neuroscience research of purpose and passion with Steven Kotler? You get a turbo charged recipe for energy that will sustain your leadership journey for the long term. Read on to learn the specifics of stacking meaning and neuroscience.
Read More198 Corporate Culture: how to do it with Aoife O’Brien
Do you struggle with corporate culture? Do you worry about office politics? As a leader have you thought about helping your team members fit in? This is not about team building, but about mapping your corporate culture and then knowing your people so well, you can help them align with what you are doing in a way that brings out the best in others. Corporate escapee turned culture and leadership expert Aoife O’Brien shares her experience and research on ‘fitting in’.
Read More197 Leadership and management skills with Matt Casey
We’ve heard about ditching performance reviews. What about getting rid of recurring meetings? What about pay reviews? What if we got rid of managers altogether and let people manage themselves? Could such radical autonomy be a solution to management woes? Author and former IT manager at Moonfruit, Matt Casey tells all in this revealing interview.
Read More196 Leadership attributes to be a leader worth following
Everyone who leads wants to be a leader worth following. Being the smartest person in the room is NOT the way to go about it. A leader worth following brings out the best in others. To do that, we need to start by changing how we define success. In this solosode, we explore the values, beliefs and goals of the Amplifier, along with insights around best intentions gone wrong, and how to avoid them.
Read More195 Leadership skills to blast procrastination for good
Buckle up, we’re on! 2021 has begun and with it, new rituals and new goals. I share a review of rituals that worked, and ones that didn’t, my biggest breakthroughs on procrastination and productivity, including how to set up your devices for minimal distraction.
Read MorePractices for long term leadership effectiveness
Special Holiday Series out now! Project You as Leader has landed on the podcast, ready for you to savour over the break. In between parties and a bit of down time, take time to yourself to explore who you might become in 2021.
Read More184 Leadership responsibilities with Ambassador Sophie Davies
How does one go from leading kids through the bush to leading conversations about climate change at the Paris agreement? Such is the leadership journey of former Australian Ambassador to Venezuela and Colombia, Sophie Davies. I first met Sophie at Outward Bound. She flat out inspired me with her composure in handling twenty staff in remote places, driving a massive bus, and setting up a technically challenging remote basecamp. She has a compelling knack for being both humble and extremely competent. Just what you need on the world stage! Listen in to hear her leadership insights.
Read More183 Leadership principles with Promise Phelon
Promise Phelon is one of Silicon’s Valley 0.2%. She is one of only FIVE African American female entrepreneurs who have bought, grown, and sold companies for multiple millions of dollars. Now she is an investor and mentor with a great tale to tell.
Read More182 Change toxic culture with CEO Peter Tsokas City of Unley
How do you recover when your culture goes bad? CEO Peter Tsokas has been at the helm of the City of Unley since 2011. Reshaping culture has been central to his leadership agenda. In this ‘how to’ podcast, learn what to do when you need to guide a significant culture change.
Read MorePeople Stuff wins Book of the Year for leadership skills
Oh me, oh my! Still elated over the recent win of the People Stuff Book of the Year award, I share a couple of updates and insights for listeners.
Read More181 Leadership effectiveness with ex Navy SEAL Chris Sajnog
US Navy SEALs are known for many things: toughest of the tough, quintessential high performing teams, and relentless focus and training. In this awesome interview, we dive into what business leaders can take from the SEALs way of living and learning and apply directly to self and team leadership. If you want insider secrets of the ultimate high performance, then be sure to listen and take notes. Enjoy!
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