Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast




364 Elias Kanaris' Extraordinary Journey of Resilience and Leadership


Elias Kanaris joined me to share his incredible journey from his upbringing in Libya to his leadership development work as a CEO. His story is one of influence, resilience, and the power of values instilled early in life. Elias's international background and his ability to navigate cultural nuances offer a rich perspective on leadership that transcends borders.

Elias's experience during the tragic events of 11 September 2001 serves as a stark reminder of the need for adaptability in leadership. Stranded in Gander, Newfoundland, for five days, he learned invaluable lessons about self-care, the importance of community, and the necessity to rewrite the rules in the face of change. His insights are a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the capacity for leaders to emerge stronger from adversity.

Adaptability is a leadership super power

Why you should listen: the transformative power of language in leadership

  • Words shape our reality - what is your leadership language saying?

We explore three leadership rules to live by

  • Look after yourself first - leadership takes resilience

  • Look after others - leaders have a duty of care

  • Adapt and change the rules - leadership is evolving all the time 

Take action

  • As leaders, it's our duty to lead with vigilance and courage. I invite you to reflect on how you can make wise and compassionate decisions that propel us forward as a collective.

  • Spend some time mulling over the power of forgiveness and practising exercising that muscle and really try to separate the human being from the deed that they've done.

Tip of the week 

  • From my book  Moments: Leadership When It Matters Most and one of the chapters about ethical challenges. I share a story of forgiveness and positive focus that has become world famous. So I think there is hope for all of us to have this kind of courage and, and power in our focus.


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About Elias Kanaris

Elias Kanaris is a thought leader in the area of resilience, leadership and building trust. He works with CEOs and their teams, building high performing teams, navigating adversity and introducing T.R.U.S.T. as a business currency. 

With over 25 years' experience in corporate and not-for-profit organisations, Elias has used that experience to become an expert in helping leaders lead. He has developed a blueprint to empower organisations to protect their brand, retain top talent whilst protecting their bottom line. 

Elias is the CEO of the Insight and Strategy Group and the Contact Centre Network New Zealand (CCNNZ). He is also a Founding Partner of the Conscious Leadership Team. Find out more: https://www.eliaskanaris.com/

Key moments

Planet Human: Inspired by Mary Beard’s SPQR The History of Ancient Rome, reflecting on the 2000 year history of Rome and what it tells us about society - and leadership - today. From savagery to community we’ve come a long way! 

Planet Zoë: I'm focused on Power Games, which is my next non-fiction book. I'm drilling into what happens at workplaces when we play these power games. And how can we navigate that? 

Elias Kanaris' background (00:06:15) Elias Kanaris talks about his upbringing in Libya, values instilled by his parents, and how it led him to leadership.

Elias Kanaris' experience on 9/11 (00:09:46) Elias Kanaris shares his experience of being on a diverted flight during the events of 9/11 and spending five days in Gander, Newfoundland, Canada.

Lessons learned from the experience (00:15:08) Elias Kanaris discusses the lessons he learned during the 9/11 experience, including the importance of self-care, looking after others, and adapting to changing rules.

The power of language and communication (00:18:35) Elias Kanaris talks about the significance of words, shares a study on the impact of positive and negative words, and provides recommendations for leaders to use language wisely.

Filtering Out the Negative (00:22:37) Discussion on the danger of filtering out negative aspects and the need to maintain positivity amidst destruction.

Balanced View of Life (00:23:10) Importance of having a balanced view of life, considering personal faith, and applying transparency to received information.

Emotional Maturity and Forgiveness (00:26:07) Exploration of Nelson Mandela's forgiveness as a reflection of emotional maturity and the impact of forgiveness on personal growth.

The Power of Forgiveness (00:28:42) Discussion on forgiveness, the impact of holding grudges, and the concept of atonement versus forgiveness.

Adapting to Change (00:30:59) Adapting to change, evaluating decisions, and the importance of seeking alternative perspectives and mentorship.

Leadership Insights and Fast Five (00:33:36) Insights on leadership tips, challenges in the workplace, and a fast-paced Q&A session with Elias Kanaris.

Balancing Past Wrongs (00:38:36) Exploration of balancing past wrongs from an indigenous perspective and the need for leaders to accept responsibility for historical failings.

The Power of Forgiveness and Courage (00:39:16) Reflection on the power of forgiveness, separating individuals from their deeds, and the story of Malala Yousafzai as a model of forgiveness and positive focus.

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About your host, Canberra leadership expert Zoë Routh:

Zoë Routh is a leadership futurist, podcaster, and multiple award-winning author. She works with leaders and teams to navigate future horizons. 

She has worked with individuals and teams internationally and in Australia since 1987. From wild Canadian rivers to the Australian Outback, and the Boardroom jungles, Zoë is an adventurist! She facilitates strategy and culture sessions with audacious teams.

Zoë's fourth leadership book, People Stuff - Beyond Personality Problems: An advanced handbook for leadership, won the Book of the Year at the Australian Business Book Awards in 2020. Her fifth book is a near future science fiction dystopian novel, The Olympus Project.

Zoë is the producer of the Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast, dedicated to asking “What if…?”  and sharing Big Ideas on the Future of Leadership.

Zoë is an outdoor adventurist and enjoys telemark skiing, has run six marathons, is a one-time belly-dancer, has survived cancer, and loves hiking in the high country. She is married to a gorgeous Aussie and is a self-confessed dark chocolate addict.