Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast




276 Is controlled freedom possible?


How much autonomy is enough? How can we encourage teams to be independent without losing control of quality and outcomes? These are the tensions leaders need to manage. As we wrap up our season on holacracy and reducing hierarchy, what are some leadership tips to build more autonomous teams without losing control of the ship?

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Leadership insight: Team Autonomy needs a few conditions first

If teams are to be independent, we need to consider the following:

  • Leadership maturity of the individuals. Does their self-concept and self-confidence allow for full participation in a group process? You may need to assist their growth first.

  • Capability of the team members: can they run meetings? Facilitate a discussion? Generate new ideas? Make strategic decisions? Skill building may be required.

  • Are there strong boundaries in place? Freedom needs constraints in order to be safe. Have you got clear go/no go zones?

Why you should listen: There is no ONE WAY to lead teams

Team leadership is about managing tensions. These are POLARITIES. They look like opposite, competing concepts, but are actually complementary.

Leading lights to help guide our choices:

  1. What are we creating and why? What does that look like? Our vision will guide our decisions.

  2. Are we in service to others? Keep our focus on helping others and we avoid the traps of power.

  3. Is the work ADDING to or SUBTRACTING from the whole? Are we giving or taking?

  4. Do our choices and actions UPLIFT or HARM?

  5. When in doubt, lead with kindness. 

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Related episodes on leadership insights and power:

275 Power and Politics: Leaders beware!

263 First look and listen of The Olympus Project

225 Expanding leadership through polarities with author Brian Emerson


About your host,  Canberra leadership expert Zoë Routh:

Zoë Routh is one of Australia’s leading experts on people stuff - the stuff that gets in our way of producing results, and the stuff that lights us up. She works with the growers, makers, builders to make people stuff fun and practical.

Zoë is the author of four books: Composure - How centered leaders make the biggest impact,  Moments - Leadership when it matters most, Loyalty - Stop unwanted staff turnover, boost engagement, and build lifelong advocates, and People Stuff - Beyond Personalities: An advanced handbook for leadership. People Stuff was awarded Book of the Year 2020 by the Smart WFM Australian Business Book Awards.

Zoë is also the producer of The Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast.
