

Fit For the Future Leadership: From strategy to execution - what gets in our way?

I love a good strategy. All the bright, shiny hope and expectations of it all. Then we get to work and forget about it all. The daily grind takes over. Business as usual carries on, oblivious of our lofty ambitions. Why is there a massive gap between strategy and execution?

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Fit For the Future Leadership: Three ways to make more time for strategic thinking

One of the things I’m hearing a lot from leaders is how much things have changed. We’re never going back to pre-pandemic ‘normal’. We’re in brave new territory. It’s intimidating. And exhilarating! So much opportunity! (along with all that threat). Most of the same leaders also acknowledge, somewhat sheepishly, they don’t do enough strategic thinking.

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Leadership Of The Future: From More To All

It's time to re-think the purpose of business and the purpose of leadership. We need to shift from the endless game of MORE to the noble cause of ALL: how do we ensure human flourishing for all, while living within our planetary means? Hat tip to Kate Raworth in Doughnut Economics who maps a way forward for us.

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Hope is Not a Strategy

Our recent event, ‘How to get your team to think more strategically’ was incredibly popular. Why? Leaders recognise the need to increase their team’s ability to consider the bigger picture. But hoping they will just suddenly ‘get it’ is an exercise in futility. We don’t just ‘get it’. We just don’t suddenly ‘see’ what’s going on. To see with new eyes, sometimes we need to be shown. Read on for crucial tips.

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