

7 trends to incorporate into your leadership strategy in 2024

It’s a new year, and if we’re not careful, we’ll just continue plodding on with what we were doing last year, oblivious to the swirling current of change around us.

Fret not! Here are seven trends I’ve curated for you that will help direct your leadership craft through the turbulence.

Want to be even more prepared for the upheaval that
2024 is bound to bring? 

Join us at the Leadership Conclave

Friday 1 March, 2024, 10am-4pm, Cuppacumbalong, Tharwa ACT
Fully catered.

Register here.

Trend 1. Purposeful Gathering

The tug of war between work from home, work remotely, flexibility, and office days will continue. As a leader, you need to ensure that any face to face meeting is purposeful and outcomes driven. 

Don't waste people’s time and energy and goodwill by forcing them to be present for drudgery. Lift your gathering game.

Trend 2. A.I. Everything

A.I. will continue its meteoric development into custom chat GPTs, integrations with robotics, and automations. 

Please, do yourself a favour and start running A.I. experiments in your organisation. What workflows could be handled or at least enhanced with use of Chat GPT for instance? Use it for analytics, scenario planning, trend analysis, and report writing. Something!

Trend 3. D.E.I.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are not only the right ethical considerations for building your workforce, they are sensible ones too. The more perspectives you can include in your organisation, the more responsive and innovative you will be.

What points of view could you add to your team?

Trend 4. E.S.G.

Rumours of the demise of E.S.G. are greatly exaggerated. Yes, we are still struggling with interest rates. Yes, we still have major weather events that are causing mayhem. Yes, we still have cost of living challenges. 

And people still care about the environment, contribution to community, and proper and transparent governance. Tough times don’t mean your values and ethics can slip. In fact, they may be the very thing that pulls you through those tough times.

Trend 5. MORE connection, collaboration, and creativity

Even while your team members hiding away, working remotely, the longing for connection remains. Creativity is enhanced when we come together. 

So while people do deep work alone, be sure to create opportunities for amazing connection, togetherness, and idea generating when you bring those lovely brains together.

Trend 6. Boomers to Zoomers

The span of generations in the workplace will still be there. Each of our employees will have different values and goals based on their lifestage, and the technology they have experienced growing up. 

Rather than trying to make the work experience uniform, customise it for each employee so you can harness the natural interest and energy for each of these people.

Trend 7. Our relationship to power is being challenged

Strongman politics and autocratic leadership is threatening democracies around the world: Russia, China, Israel, Korea, India, and the USA. While we may feel we have no power and influence over international politics, we do have control and sway over the expression and use of power in our organisations and local political environment. We are not immune to strongman political tactics! We need to be prepared to rein in abuses of power wherever we see them, to speak up against the erosion of civil liberties when these are threatened.

Want to build solid leadership practices for 2024 and beyond?


Join us at the Leadership Conclave

We will be talking about our changing relationship to power, digging deep on our individual skills and talents, and laying the habits and practices to handle these trends and more.

BONUS for those who register before 1st Feb: special access to self-paced study module Lead Self, to help you plan and organise your personal world. Complete with workbook, checklists, templates for planning the year ahead.
