Grace Under Fire

Grace Under Fire: How to Navigate Power Games

Rise above power games through fit for the future leadership.

Are You Ready to Be Seen, Heard, and Valued?

We need to reform power in the workplace. Join the movement!

As a senior executive, you navigate a complex and demanding landscape daily. Balancing your professional responsibilities with your personal commitments, all while striving to make your voice heard, can be overwhelming. 

Then there’s the backbiting, undermining, credit stealing, gossiping, sabotage, blame shifting shenanigans.

Power games can break us down, or build us up.

We can change our relationship to power and build better workplaces. I will show you how.


Who Is This Program For?

Senior Executives who:

  • Hold leadership roles in the private sector, or in science and government-funded agencies 

  • Work in industries like science, environment, agribusiness, I.T., or construction

  • Are in their mid-career, bringing a wealth of experience and wisdom

  • Champion environmental progressivism and sustainability

  • Balance the demands of raising teenagers or young adults 

  • Are driven by a passion for career development and professional growth - and possibly enjoy reading, for professional growth (and for fun!)

The Challenges You Face

  • Building confidence and assertiveness without being labeled a bully

  • Navigating office politics without being left behind

  • Balancing daily tasks with the desire to be seen, heard, and respected

  • Working through bureaucratic systems

  • Overcoming self-doubt and societal assumptions

  • Affirming your authority and networking effectively without trampling on toes

  • Craving a more fulfilling personal life that is not always sacrificed for career.

Our Solution

Know the Power Games People Play - and avoid getting caught in their trap

Whether we like it or not, people play power games at work. They may not do it consciously, but they happen. When you understand how these games manifest, you are better equipped to navigate the perilous seas where political office sharks swim.

In these workshops you'll get to know how to deal with:

  • The Credit Stealer

  • The Gatekeeper

  • The Saboteur

  • The Favouritist

  • The Networker

  • The Blame Shifter

  • The Information Hoarder

  • The Compliment Fisher

  • The Gossip

  • The Ladder Climber

  • The Gaslighter

Grace Under Fire is designed to help you:

Get Visible. Develop Your Voice. Expand Your Vision.

Get Visible:

  • Cultivate Presence and Composure

  • Enhance Assertiveness and Emotional Aikido

  • Boost Confidence and Role Effectiveness through Power Archetypes

Develop Your Voice:

  • Harness Your Power and Presence

  • Build Rock-Solid Confidence

  • Lead with Authority, regardless of gender dynamics

  • Develop Ethical Power Moves for Greater Influence

Expand Your Vision:

  • Gain Perspective and Recognition

  • Strengthen Expertise and Trust

  • Become a Leading Thinker with Strategic Foresight Skills

  • Be Known for Strategic Thinking and Deep Insights

Grace under fire leadership program

Why Choose Us?

Program leader Zoë Routh

I’ve been there. My dreams of a supportive, collaborative workplace where everyone lifts each other up have often been dashed. I’ve been undermined, sidelined, and under appreciated. 

It sucks. 

I learned how to back myself, how to advocate for myself without grandstanding or making enemies. And I’ve studied power enough to stop being naïve when it comes to power games in the workplace. They’re real, but we can change this. First we change how we show up, then we build collaborative power.

My program is tailored specifically for senior executives who are ready to break barriers and make their mark. I provide a supportive and empowering environment where you can thrive and grow.

How to Get Started

Register for early notification of the pilot program to get one of the limited seats, at the best price.

This is a PILOT Program, so you get first access. Your feedback is invaluable, and I will be tailoring the program to meet your specific needs. As such, I will only be working with ten people.


Workshop 1. Wednesday 25 September 4-530pm AEST, online

Workshop 2. Wednesday 2 October 4-530pm AEST, online

Workshop 3. Wednesday 9 October 4-530pm, AEST online

PLUS one 30 minute personal coaching session with me to address your individual challenges and opportunities, scheduled at a time that suits you


Regular Price: $1650 incl GST

Early Bird: $495 incl GST *Only TEN spots available!

Early Bird ends 31 July 2024 and tickets go up to $825incl GST then. Last minute tickets available from September 20th for $1650incl GST unless sold out.

Join Us and Transform Your Leadership Journey!

Take the first step towards being seen, heard, and valued. Embrace your power, expand your vision, and develop your voice with "Grace Under Fire."


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I have a very busy life. How will the program be delivered? 

A: It will be an online program delivered with sessions recorded, in bite-sized hour-long segments over three weeks. There will be quick action worksheets and easy-to-implement exercises designed for even the busiest executives.

Q: What if I can’t juggle all my commitments. Can I defer? 

A: This is a pilot program and there is no guarantee it will run in the future. However, sessions are recorded and designed to be easily digestible, ensuring you can catch up at your convenience.

Q: How can this program make me more confident? I am an introvert and boasting does not suit my personality. 

A: We focus on building competence and courage so that confidence flows naturally from your authentic self. We will hone your unique strengths and superpowers.

Q: Will there be one-to-one elements? I can be shy in group sessions. 

A: Yes, I will include 1:1 access to ensure the learning is tailored to your specific needs and context.

Q: I’ve participated in similar programs before. How is this different? 

A: "Grace Under Fire" offers a unique focus on ethical power moves, strategic foresight, and the specific challenges faced by senior executives. It’s designed to build on and complement your previous experiences.

Q: How can I be sure this program is worth the investment? 

A: Think of this program as an investment in your professional growth and future success. You will gain value from personalized 1:1 access, strategic insights, and practical tools for real-world application that will serve you throughout your career. We want to position you for your next level of influence, with the practical tools and skills to get there. Be sure to take advantage of the early bird pilot program special offer by registering here for advance notice.

Q: I’m worried about being authentic. How does this program address that? 

A: Our focus is on enhancing your natural strengths and competencies, not forcing you into a mold. The program is designed to be customizable, ensuring that the learning is tailored to each individual’s unique context and personality.

Q: How does this program fit with my industry? 

A: The principles of power, visibility, and leadership taught in this program are universally applicable across various industries, including private sector, science, agribusiness, and more. The content can be adapted to address the specific challenges and opportunities within your particular industry.

Q: What makes this program different from others? 

A: "Grace Under Fire" is tailored specifically for senior executives who are ready to break barriers and make their mark. The program provides a supportive and empowering environment with a unique focus on ethical power moves, strategic foresight, and practical tools for immediate application.