Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast




148 Leadership skills for leading change with Julia Steel

Are you undergoing a big transformation project? Are you in charge of leading a significant change in systems or processes or structures? Then best be across some of the core fundamentals of doing it right and avoid common myths about change. Change leader expert Julia Steel shares her insights from her own lived experience.

Why you should listen:

  • Learn the 3 Cs of buy-in that go straight to the heart of neuroscience

  • How to build collective influence so you stay out of the command control paradigm

  • Why it’s a total misconception that people resist change and what to focus on instead


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146 Transformational leadership expert Barry Pogorel talks about the new normal

The coronavirus experience is unprecedented in our time for leaders. How do we make our way through the uncertainty and fear? Transformational leadership expert Barry Pogorel and I talk about there is no ‘going back to normal’. We need instead to create a new normal. This offers huge opportunities! In our energising and uplifting conversation, we get down to brass tacks on what leaders need to do to start crafting their own new normal.

Why you should listen:

  • If you need to know where to start in dealing with uncertainty and acknowledge what is here right now

  • To understand why taking a stand is the most powerful thing you can do to catalyse a new possible future

  • To recognise the power of questions to drive new possibilities


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87 Leadership expert Zoe Routh talks transformation strategies with Jason Irving

I first met Jason when I was working at Outward Bound and Jason was training as a massage therapist. His practice as a therapist, healer, and advisor evolved over the years. He helped me t through my cancer treatment, through a difficult career transition, and over the last couple of years has been instrumental in helping me stay grounded and energised as my business exploded in growth.

In this interview, we dive straight into his techniques as a practitioner, and use me as guinea pig. I share a personal challenge and we flesh out how to process it, come to terms with it, and transform it for a growth opportunity.

We discuss:

  • What sacred geometry shape to use when dealing with a ‘block’ or problem

  • How to make peace with your feelings

  • The alternative to affirmations that creates long-term sustainable change.


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32 From transactional to transformational leadership with Stephen Scott Johnson

Stephen Scott Johnson, author of Emergent - The Future of Culture: A Practical Guide of Leading Transformation, shares:

  • The causes that allow a movement to flourish or die

  • What you need in an organisation to make a cause sustainable

  • How change is a creative destructive process that is an invitation to becoming something more

  • The key differences between old power and new power, and what’s at stake if you get stuck in old power

  • Why silos are NOT the problem

  • What the pivotal point is for a leader to move from TRANSACTIONAL to TRANSFORMATIONAL

  • The new style of leadership that is required to navigate disruption


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