Entrepreneur, author and former CMO Roy Osing dares to be different - in fact, he insists on it and helps his clients to do the same! Roy is a one of a kind leadership thinker with little patience for those who practice performative creativity instead of getting their hands dirty with the real thing. He has grown a start-up to billion dollar sales and authored seven books in his ‘Be Different or Be Dead’ series. Roy shares his contrary leadership philosophies from falling in love with micromanaging to his human-centric hiring process.
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248 Hot tips for high performing teams
Who doesn’t like being part of a high performing team? They’re fun and motivating. You get stuff done. You enjoy each other’s company. But are they realistic? It turns out high performing teams are a myth. It’s more of an ideal to strive for than a reality to experience. No team or culture can sustain high performance. High performance goes in cycles, and that’s what we need to manage.
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