Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast




82 How to make your leadership go viral with author Richard Nonguard

To go viral is to excite the imagination and spread a message. Beyond silly memes, how do we engage the hearts and minds of the people we lead and the people we serve? There are critical skills and daily habits to make sure we are reaching as many people as we can, in the best way possible. We explore the strategies with Richard Nongard, author of Viral Leadership: Seize the Power of Now to Create Lasting Transformation in Business.

  • Intention vs goal-setting: the subtle difference that creates real results.

  • Four ways of gaining buy-in from every stakeholder.

  • The habits that commit leadership to the subconscious mind.



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52 Leadership expert Zoe Routh talks about deameanour and how it impacts leadership effectiveness

When you walk in to a space, you can feel if it uplifts or not. As leaders, we need to show up as an environment too - our energy, physicality, and language can cause positive change, or it can sabotage engagement.

Key Tips:

Energy: Are you inward or outward focused? Are you in your head or in the room?

Physicality: Focus on your breath, dig your toes in to the ground, and do power poses.

Language: Avoid commanding language and absolutes, use inclusive and collaborating language.


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