Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast




111 Canberra based leadership expert Zoë Routh on leadership growth

Complexity and the rapid rate of change demands a new kind of leadership - a next level leadership. Next level is about shifting perspective to be an Amplifier - someone focused on impact and not just results. When we expand our perspective we can have greater positive contribution. There are common blocks to this kind of boundless leadership:

  • Limited awareness about the future, trends, and our own internal operating systems - our beliefs. We need to develop this awareness for the core reason that visionaries attract people.

  • Taking culture for granted. Many leaders smugly think their culture is doing great (because they of course are leading it). Culture runs companies. It is the operating system for people, and you need to program it well.

  • Procrastination around new technologies. Technology drives change and many leaders hesitate to implement.


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74 Leadership expert Zoe Routh on beliefs that will help form your leadership focus

Want to play a bigger game? How about being part of a community of game changers? Of folks who want to create great cultures? Of leaders who want to make a big difference and contribution? Here are some insights of what you need to believe in order to make a bigger impact.

  • What a transexual person’s story can mean for the future of humanity

  • The four beliefs you need to know in order to craft your leadership focus

  • Why stories matter


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