Power is a juicy leadership skill. We need to learn how to use it wisely, and most of us are not taught how to do so. Luckily there are some great new leadership books to help.
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126 The importance of wise and compassionate leadership with Cindy Wigglesworth
Cindy Wigglesworth is best selling author of SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence. Her work has had an enormous impact on my own perspective of leadership. The need to develop wise and compassionate leaders is needed more than ever. This is one of the most important interviews for leadership I have done so far. A must listen for those aspiring to make a bigger difference.
We discuss:
How the experience of divorce and raising a daughter was a profound stimulus for reflection and the impetus to explore better leadership
Why ego-driven leadership and its poorest forms of narcissism and self absorption is exhausting to be around
How leadership from the more expanded point of view the Higher Self attracts people willingly to follow you
The work of advanced spiritual intelligence as a continual practice
The calling “to be a light onto the world” is within us all, and the work we do can be the candle that lights the way for others
Why Cindy is grateful for President Trump as he has been a catalyst for Americans to examine the profound truth of how much racial divide is still systemic, and why there is still much racial and political healing to do in the USA
How Obama created the conditions that brought Trump forward
How we are all called to growth
The lotus flower blooms in mud, just as we can bloom through the muck and mess of our own lives
The role of a new thought Church to foster Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha
Why you need to have your BS challenges (belief system, as well as the other B.S.)
How emotional intelligence is the first thing to address as leaders: name the emotion, identify what triggered, and practice inserting a PAUSE between stimulus and response
Read More125 How to avoid the intelligence trap in leadership with David Robson
Science journalist David Robson, author of the brilliant The Intelligence Trap - Why smart people make dumb mistakes, takes us on a wild ride through the stupid things smart people do, and why.
We explore:
Why real life human vampires are more deserving of compassion than scorn
How the ancient study of wisdom (and how to live our best life) is having a resurgence and renewal through the lens of Evidence Based Wisdom
How intellectual intelligence is different to rationality intelligence, and how this can be measured
The frightening condition of DYSRATIONALIA - when smart people think and do dumb things
How mindfulness is a step towards diminishing this trap
Why we need to get analytical about intuition
The importance of developing an emotional compass - this includes emotional awareness, differentiation, and regulation of emotions
How Brexit is the perfect example of motivated reasoning by smart people that drives greater polarisation
Benjamin Franklin’s moral algebra and its ability to immunise a little bit against motivated reasoning
How finding common ground and assessing the quality of the evidence in someone’s argument is the best method to avoid being polarising
If you are susceptible to “Pseudo-Profound Bullshit” (statements that sound profound but are really vacuous), you might need to take the cognitive reflection test
Emotional intelligence can be a bridge between intelligence and avoiding some major biases
Key tips to help avoiding the intelligence traps: curiosity, humility, considering the opposite viewpoint through the lens of evidence
Maintain a child-like curiosity, wonder and awe at the world.
Read More120 The importance of your past with Men's Life Coach Greg Gillies
What does it take to be a real man? Life Coach for Men, Greg Gillies, knows that it’s not what we usually think. It’s not about material success, business goal achievement, or a facebook narrative. He believes we need to clear the programming from our past so we can embrace the best of who we can be.
Greg shares his own downward spiral from successful executive and business owner to numbed out alcohol abuser through to renewed and liberated healthy male leader. He reveals how kinesiology and quantum matrix therapy helped clear his unconscious past beliefs so he could choose more powerful ones.
We take a deep dive into sympathetic nervous system dominance, the body’s natural healing system, releasing negative emotions and beliefs from our past, resolving conflicts in our brain.
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