

Fit For the Future Leadership: From strategy to execution - what gets in our way?

I love a good strategy. All the bright, shiny hope and expectations of it all. Then we get to work and forget about it all. The daily grind takes over. Business as usual carries on, oblivious of our lofty ambitions. Why is there a massive gap between strategy and execution?

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Fit For the Future Leadership: Three ways to make more time for strategic thinking

One of the things I’m hearing a lot from leaders is how much things have changed. We’re never going back to pre-pandemic ‘normal’. We’re in brave new territory. It’s intimidating. And exhilarating! So much opportunity! (along with all that threat). Most of the same leaders also acknowledge, somewhat sheepishly, they don’t do enough strategic thinking.

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Three habits of boundless leadership

The biggest difference I see between an Achiever (someone who is driven by results) and an Amplifier (someone who is inspired by purpose beyond themselves) is how they manage their calendar. Our calendar habits are like our supermarket shopping: we either jam it full of junk for quick hits, or we take our time around the outsides, carefully choosing food that will fuel and heal. Here are three ‘nutritious’ habits that will move you towards amplifier.

  • Check your calendar and your bank statement to show your real priorities

  • Create a fluid diary

  • Mark out 40% of your time for strategy.

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