

Deep leadership wisdom from James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

James Clear is best-selling author of Atomic Habits, one of my favourite books, and is on track to sell a million and more copies worldwide. Last week he spoke at Thought Leaders Business School and I had the opportunity for a conversation with him over dinner. What follows is insight on how we react around greatness, and what we can learn from ordinary humans doing extraordinary things.

  • The secret to extraordinary results

  • How to handle being star-struck

  • James’s top insight on being better at anything


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Perspective amplifies leadership impact

It’s pretty easy to get caught up in the day to day. It’s a major complaint and concern I hear from leaders: the urgent day to day gets in the way of the big picture thinking. We sacrifice what’s next for the sake of now. And this is no way to build impact or legacy! We may not want to leave a legacy as long-lasting as Julius Caesar, but our perspective can help shape positive influence for generations.

  • How Native American Iroquois shaped leadership with the 7 Generations Principle

  • Julius Caesar’s effect and downfall

  • It’s not about hubris but about stewardship

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