

Be better: how to break the blocks in your leadership

Boundless Leadership is when we know everything is possible, and we have a deep and strong centre that allows us to explore the edges of what is possible. I’m interested in what blocks our progress in boundless leadership. What stops us from developing a strong centre, and what keeps us from moving past the edges.

Leadership responsibilities include health and wellbeing

In a survey to my tribe, I asked, “What are your biggest challenges at work?”

Here are the top 3 answers:

  1. Getting enough exercise and rest.

  2. Staying on top of my work.

  3. Dealing with constant interruptions.

What this tells us:

The pace and pressure of work has not decreased with the advent of technology, only accelerated it. There is a pervasive sense of needing to deliver, at all costs. How we interact and manage our work is failing us.

I was dismayed to see the top result: “Getting enough exercise and rest.” This is a chronic leadership failing that has devastating effects in all aspects of our work.

It is our core responsibility as leaders to show up at our best.

Without health and vitality, our capacity to interact is deflated.

Without health and vitality, our capacity to think is crippled.

Without health and vitality, our capacity to inspire is flatlined.

Self-care is a leadership investment

My next question on the survey was, “What is the biggest problem you need to solve in your leadership?” The top three answers were:

  1. Being seen as a visionary leader.

  2. Producing effective strategy.

  3. Having difficult conversations with confidence.

Not getting enough rest and exercise is directly affecting the capacity to deal with the biggest problems! Not putting our own health as the number one priority is actually putting all of our work aspirations and responsibilities at risk.

It’s not just self care though. That’s the basic foundation that needs urgent attention.

What I often see is that leaders delay or defer their opportunities for professional development. Many lack the leadership skills for visionary thinking, crafting effective strategy, and the skills to have the conversations that matter. These are core leadership skills, and what my tribe have identified as the top must-solve challenges!

It’s easy to say ‘no’ to development opportunities. There are always excuses - often very good ones - that keep us from putting our own development first. Excuses like,

The timing is wrong.

The staff’s development is more important right now.

My partner is already studying.

I have a child’s concert recital on.

It’s my birthday.

Here’s the thing. At the end of our lives, imagine one of these two futures:

“I said ‘no’ to opportunities more often than I said ‘yes’.”

What has this meant for you? For your work? For your family?


 “I said ‘yes’ to myself more often than I thought I should or could.”

What difference has this made to you? What kind of impact did it allow you to make? How has your family benefited from a more healthy and resilient version of you? How has your work shifted as a result?

Where does your health and vitality fit on your list of priorities? What opportunities are you passing over right now? What decision will you make now?


Related Articles:

How to See Better to Lead Better

Boundless Leadership: There’s an elephant in the room - now what?

Here’s A Better Place To Get Inspiration Than In The Shower: Why Your Brain Needs More Than A Two Minute Break For The Best Ideas


About the author, Canberra leadership expert Zoë Routh:

Canberra based leadership expert, Zoë Routh, discuss why self-care is a leadership investment.

Canberra based leadership expert, Zoë Routh, discuss why self-care is a leadership investment.

Zoë Routh is one of Australia’s leading experts on people stuff - the stuff that gets in our way of producing results, and the stuff that lights us up. She works with the growers, makers, builders to make people stuff fun and practical.

Zoë is the author of four books: Composure - How centered leaders make the biggest impact,  Moments - Leadership when it matters most, Loyalty - Stop unwanted staff turnover, boost engagement, and build lifelong advocates, and People Stuff - Beyond Personalities: An advanced handbook for leadership. People Stuff was awarded Book of the Year 2020 by the Smart WFM Australian Business Book Awards.

Zoë is also the producer of The Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast.