It's time to re-think the purpose of business and the purpose of leadership. We need to shift from the endless game of MORE to the noble cause of ALL: how do we ensure human flourishing for all, while living within our planetary means? Hat tip to Kate Raworth in Doughnut Economics who maps a way forward for us.
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Hope is Not a Strategy
Our recent event, ‘How to get your team to think more strategically’ was incredibly popular. Why? Leaders recognise the need to increase their team’s ability to consider the bigger picture. But hoping they will just suddenly ‘get it’ is an exercise in futility. We don’t just ‘get it’. We just don’t suddenly ‘see’ what’s going on. To see with new eyes, sometimes we need to be shown. Read on for crucial tips.
Read MoreMyths of high performing leadership teams
High performing teams: we all long to be part of one. The camaraderie, the thrill of pulling off something epic, fun times. But there are some big myths surrounding high performing teams we need to be mindful of so as to avoid disappointment.
Read MoreThe best leadership style for 2021
This year may be a little different than last year, but who knows at this point. We’ve already had an attempted insurrection in the birthplace of modern democracy, the pandemic continues to rage, and my tomatoes are failing to flourish in the uncharacteristic cooler summer. In any case, we still need leadership. Good leadership. My mission is to develop more wise and compassionate leaders worldwide. One way you can be one of them is to embody the archetype of the ELDER. Here are the beliefs and practices of the Elder, straight from my multiple award-winning book, People Stuff.
Read MorePeople Stuff wins Book of the Year!
My latest book has been awarded Book of the Year! Writing a book is a long solo journey, until it is released like an uncaged bird to the winds. While we have a book in its developing stage, it’s in our hands, still a hope and a promise. Letting it go we wish it well. To be recognised by one’s peers for having produced something remarkable, something notable, is never the objective. To be of service is. Here’s a brief insight, in video form, about the genesis of the book.
Read MoreHow to double-down on values-driven leadership
Not all values are created equal! This may sound counter-trend: aren’t we supposed to be values-led leaders? Yes and no. Each set of values has a limitation and downside that we need to be mindful of.
Read MoreElevating leadership performance through flow
Would you like to be 500% more productive? Sounds crazy, right? Researchers into the neuroscience of peak performance have shown that when we get into peak performance states our creativity and our productivity soars. And we can do that every day, deliberately. This article explains the basics.
Read MoreFinding the sweet spot in your leadership approach
Are you a Hoarder or a Maverick? Do you need lots of reserves of time, money, energy in order to feel safe? Or do you prefer bootstrapping and winging it? Both have huge pitfalls. Building slack in the system is a smart move: just enough to keep us feeling safe, not too much that we get complacent.
Read MoreIs leadership a game you enjoy playing?
If you’re a football player, and your team is nowhere close to winning, how do you define success? It’s easy to get demoralised when all we’ve got is one end point. We need more than one measure of success. Here’s a couple of ways to redefine it in a useful way.
Read MoreHow to develop a motto for your corporate culture
Is your culture by default or by design? One of the ways you can guide culture to be successful and happy is to have a Culture Charter or Manifesto, complete with catchy mottos. It’s a powerful process to build buy-in as well as establish a blueprint for cultural norms.
Read MoreThis skill can help you master the people stuff of team development
What brand of leadership do you support? Tough and firm? Forceful and strong? Charismatic and inspiring? Silent and sure? There is one brand of leadership that trumps all, and this people skill is the competitive edge.
Read MoreGet an elevated perspective on your leadership challenges
Racism, institutionalised injustices, political polarisation. These are not easy issues. It is all too easy to judge and dismiss. Leadership is never easy, particularly with complex and barbed issues. Where do you start? It starts with a point of view.
Read MoreHow to stop the Ground Splitter undermining corporate culture
Backbiting and nasty comments. Whispered corridor conversations. Furtive looks and silent staring at the computer. Back in the day when we shared offices, this kind of behaviour ate away at the culture like a hungry termite. Now that we are remote, it still happens, but in private zoom rooms. How can we stop the two-faced nastiness?
Read MoreHow to avoid the Water Bomber - One of the Four Devils of People Stuff
Some people light up a room when they enter; others when they leave it. Ever been around someone who was a breathing bag of whingeing? An emotional bagpipe, constantly squeezed and wailing? Chances are we've been that Devil too. Let’s look at how we can avoid letting our inner Water Bomber out into the open.
Read MoreHow to tame a Storm Driver - One of the Four Devils of People Stuff
Ever been on the receiving end of an emotional tirade? Witness a tantrum at work? It’s a marvel to behold. Like watching an approaching storm, we can be awestruck and terrified at the same time. When it comes to people letting an emotional rampage loose at work, the devastation can be harrowing. Let’s move to quell the storm.
Read MoreHow to spot the Firebug - One of the Four Devils of People Stuff
Let’s face it, we’re not always at our best. There are times when tempers fray, jealousy flares, irritation settles under the skin like shingles. If we are to move away from the worst part of us, we need to be able to spot the devils when they appear.
Read MoreBeware of this leadership and influence trap
As leaders we want to have a positive impact. We show up to influence. How we go about doing that can be challenging. We are not taught the subtle art of influencing. Much of what we know is in popular media, and this is not always the best example. Here is a trap to avoid.
Read MoreBetter collaboration - the heart of people stuff
Collaboration is all the rage. We’re meant to work together for common goals, share ideas, and emerge triumphant. The reality is often different. Simmering tensions and silos can be real obstacles. Let’s look at reasons for resistance, and tactics to dissolve them.
Read MoreRefocus your leadership perspective for better buy-in
Influence is at the heart of leadership. If we take stewardship of a group to create a better future, we need influence skills to harness the brilliance of its participants. Getting buy in for our own brilliant ideas can be a challenge. There are some core obstacles we need to be aware of if we are to succeed.
Read MoreHow to kickstart a great corporate culture
Do you like Mondays? Culture has everything to do with whether or not Mondays are a drag or delicious. This week I’ve got a podcast episode coming out interviewing Colin Ellis on his insights around creating a great culture. In the meantime, here is a great starting point - writing a culture manifesto.
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