Think you lead strategy well? Chances are there’s room for improvement. Chances are you’re making some common mistakes. Chances are a few simple tweaks will boost your strategy skills easily. Check out the Lead Strategy Checklist here.
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What does it mean to be inspiring in your leadership?
As leaders, one of our responsibilities is to uplift others. Many of us feel the pressure to be ‘inspiring’. To be the leader others want to follow. To be the leader everyone admires and respects. The impostor syndrome often kicks in at this point. Who am I to be inspiring? We don’t need to crawl up Mount Everest wearing a blindfold and carrying a camel to be inspiring. Here are three secrets to being inspiring.
Read MoreDoes your leadership need to acclimatise?
I am guessing this is not what you signed up for: leading through a global crisis with a river of unknowns to cross. No doubt something new is needed. We need to adjust and acclimatise. This is not going away in a hurry.
Read MoreHow to stop anonymous feedback destroying corporate culture
We have a pretty terrible relationship to feedback. We’re afraid of it. We feel wounded by it. We can use it as a weapon. No wonder many would advocate for giving feedback under cover of being anonymous. Well-intentioned mechanisms like this can wreck a culture, not encourage it. Here’s what to do.
Read MoreLeadership principles for tackling silos and turf wars
“I need them to step up. To take a broader view of the business. I need them to be leaders. Instead they keep their head down and just look after their own little patch.”
The CEOs I work with are savvy. They know the fastest way to advance their business objectives is by lifting up others below. A rising tide lifts all boats. It sounds great in theory. In reality, many of those being lifted stay stuck. It’s turf wars and silos.
Do we expect too much of people? Do they lack emotional intelligence? Do they need more explicit instruction?
Yes to all of these, with a caveat.
Read MoreLeadership inspiration from Kofi Annan
Kofi Annan spoke to truth to power. He was unerring in his commitment and advocacy for peace and well-being for all human beings. We may not stand on a world stage as he did, but we can bring the essence of his leadership to life in the actions we take every day, and by so doing, also lead for the world.
Inherent human dignity.
Speaking truth to power.
Keep going.
Read MoreBoundless Leadership: Where do you best belong?
By definition, leadership is a lonely function. The buck stops with you. You make the tough calls, you cop the flack for failures, and with success, it is attributed to the team. It’s tough.
Where can we go to get re-charged?
How can we get reassurance?
Where can we get genuine a sounding board?