It’s pretty easy to get caught up in the day to day. It’s a major complaint and concern I hear from leaders: the urgent day to day gets in the way of the big picture thinking. We sacrifice what’s next for the sake of now. And this is no way to build impact or legacy! We may not want to leave a legacy as long-lasting as Julius Caesar, but our perspective can help shape positive influence for generations.
How Native American Iroquois shaped leadership with the 7 Generations Principle
Julius Caesar’s effect and downfall
It’s not about hubris but about stewardship
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Habits build routines and routines drive results. There’s been a lot of effort to make these habits automatic and mindless. Ironically, it has not helped with the deep stress that comes from trying to do more in less time. It’s like we are trying to shove ourselves through the day in spite of ourselves. What if we took a different approach? Where we brought attention instead of automation to our actions? This is the power of ritual.
How habits turn us into mindless automations
How awareness trumps habits
Why rituals are the gateway to a glorious life.
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