If you’re a football player, and your team is nowhere close to winning, how do you define success? It’s easy to get demoralised when all we’ve got is one end point. We need more than one measure of success. Here’s a couple of ways to redefine it in a useful way.
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Boundless Leadership: The hidden desperate danger facing over achievers
Are you addicted to kicking goals? Do you get a high each time you nail a project, sale, or milestone? Do you reach a new level at work and wonder, “what’s next?” ever hungry for the next thing? These are healthy appetites of an ambitious achiever. There is a point however when they go decidedly unhealthy. Here’s what to look out for and what to do about it.
The two danger points at the height of the Achiever stage
How to avoid fading out after reaching great goals
Become an Amplifier and make an even better impact.
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